Blazor .Net Core 8: How to use Server Side Component on the Client side?
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Blazor .Net Core 8: How to use Server Side Component on the Client side?

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Are you tired of being limited to client-side rendering in your Blazor .Net Core 8 application? Do you want to harness the power of server-side components to take your app to the next level? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to use server-side components on the client-side, and unlock the full potential of your Blazor application.

What are Server-Side Components?

In Blazor, server-side components are Razor components that run on the server, rather than in the browser. They allow you to take advantage of the power of .Net Core 8 on the server, and provide a more robust and scalable solution for building complex web applications.

Server-side components are typically used for tasks that require server-side processing, such as data access, authentication, and authorization. However, with the right approach, you can also use them on the client-side to enhance the user experience and improve performance.

Why Use Server-Side Components on the Client-Side?

Using server-side components on the client-side may seem counterintuitive, but it offers several benefits:

  • Improved Performance**: By running server-side components on the client-side, you can reduce the number of round trips to the server, and improve the overall performance of your application.
  • Enhanced Security**: By running sensitive logic on the client-side, you can reduce the attack surface of your application, and improve security.
  • Seamless Integration**: By using server-side components on the client-side, you can create a seamless user experience that integrates perfectly with your server-side logic.

How to Use Server-Side Components on the Client-Side

To use server-side components on the client-side, you’ll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a Server-Side Component

Create a new Razor component in your Blazor .Net Core 8 project:

@inject HttpClient HttpClient

<h1>Server-Side Component</h1>

<p>This is a server-side component.</p>

@code {
    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await GetDataFromApi();

    private async Task GetDataFromApi()
        var data = await HttpClient.GetAsync("");
        // Process data

Step 2: Create a Client-Side Component

Create a new Razor component that will host the server-side component on the client-side:

<h1>Client-Side Component</h1>


@code {
    // Client-side logic

Step 3: Use the Server-Side Component on the Client-Side

To use the server-side component on the client-side, you’ll need to use the <Component> tag, and specify the type of the server-side component:

<Component Type="typeof(ServerSideComponent)"></Component>

Step 4: Configure the Server-Side Component

To configure the server-side component, you’ll need to add the <ServerSideComponent> tag to your _Host.cshtml file:

<!-- _Host.cshtml -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
        @(await Html.RenderComponentAsync<ServerSideComponent>())

Using JavaScript Interop to Enhance the User Experience

To take full advantage of server-side components on the client-side, you’ll need to use JavaScript interop to interact with the browser and enhance the user experience.

  • JSRuntime**: Use the JSRuntime class to invoke JavaScript functions from your .Net code.
  • DotNetObjectReference**: Use the DotNetObjectReference class to create a reference to a .Net object that can be passed to JavaScript code.

Here’s an example of how to use JavaScript interop to display a browser alert:

@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime

<button @onclick="DisplayAlert">Display Alert</button>

@code {
    private async Task DisplayAlert()
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("alert", "Hello from .Net!");

Security Considerations

When using server-side components on the client-side, it’s essential to consider security:

  • Validate User Input**: Always validate user input on the server-side to prevent CSRF attacks and other security vulnerabilities.
  • Use HTTPS**: Use HTTPS to encrypt communication between the client and server, and protect sensitive data.
  • Limit Access**: Limit access to server-side components and data to authorized users only.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to use server-side components on the client-side in Blazor .Net Core 8. By following these steps and considering security, you can unlock the full potential of your Blazor application and create a more robust, scalable, and secure solution.

Remember to always keep your application up-to-date with the latest security patches, and follow best practices for security and performance optimization.


Q: Can I use server-side components on the client-side without JavaScript interop?

A: No, JavaScript interop is required to interact with the browser and enhance the user experience.

Q: Is it secure to use server-side components on the client-side?

A: Yes, as long as you follow security best practices and consider security vulnerabilities, using server-side components on the client-side can be secure.

Q: Can I use server-side components on the client-side with WebAssembly?

A: Yes, WebAssembly is supported in Blazor .Net Core 8, and you can use server-side components on the client-side with WebAssembly.

Component Server-Side Client-Side
ServerSideComponent Yes Yes
ClientSideComponent No Yes

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of your Blazor .Net Core 8 application and create a more robust, scalable, and secure solution.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of Blazor .Net Core 8 by learning how to use Server-Side components on the Client-Side!

Q: Can I use Server-Side Blazor components directly on the Client-Side?

No, you can’t use Server-Side Blazor components directly on the Client-Side. Server-Side components are designed to run on the server, and Client-Side components are designed to run on the client. However, you can use a technique called “Component Virtualization” to render Server-Side components on the Client-Side.

Q: What is Component Virtualization, and how does it help?

Component Virtualization is a technique that allows you to render Server-Side components on the Client-Side by using a virtualized component that acts as a proxy. This proxy component communicates with the Server-Side component and updates the UI accordingly. This way, you can reuse your Server-Side components on the Client-Side without having to rewrite them.

Q: How do I implement Component Virtualization in my Blazor .Net Core 8 application?

To implement Component Virtualization, you’ll need to create a virtualized component that inherits from the `ComponentBase` class. Then, you’ll need to use JavaScript Interop to communicate with the Server-Side component and update the UI accordingly. You can use the `JSRuntime` class to invoke JavaScript functions that will update the UI.

Q: Are there any performance implications when using Component Virtualization?

Yes, there are performance implications when using Component Virtualization. Since the virtualized component is communicating with the Server-Side component, there will be additional network requests and JavaScript overhead. However, the performance impact can be minimized by using techniques like caching, lazy loading, and optimizing the Server-Side component.

Q: Are there any alternative approaches to using Component Virtualization?

Yes, there are alternative approaches to using Component Virtualization. One approach is to use a framework like MudBlazor, which provides a set of pre-built components that can be used on both the Server-Side and Client-Side. Another approach is to use a micro-frontends architecture, where each component is built and deployed independently, allowing for more flexibility and reuse.