Unlocking the Power of Bicep: Referencing the ID of a Resource Created in Other Bicep Files
Image by Eliane - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Bicep: Referencing the ID of a Resource Created in Other Bicep Files

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Are you tired of struggling with referencing resources created in other Bicep files? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of IDs and variables? Fear not, dear Bicep enthusiast! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Bicep and explore the art of referencing the ID of a resource created in other Bicep files, even when a parent main.bicep is also used.

The Problem: Lost in a Sea of IDs

Imagine you’re working on a complex infrastructure project using Bicep. You’ve created a main.bicep file that serves as the entry point for your deployment. Within this file, you’re referencing other Bicep files that create various resources, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and networks. But, how do you reference the ID of a resource created in one of these child Bicep files from another file?

The struggle is real, and it’s easy to get lost in a sea of IDs and variables. You might find yourself asking questions like:

  • How do I access the ID of a resource created in another Bicep file?
  • What’s the best way to pass variables between Bicep files?
  • How do I avoid circular dependencies and maintain a clean, modular architecture?

The Solution: Module Outputs and Dependencies

Luckily, Bicep provides a simple and elegant solution to this problem: module outputs and dependencies. By using these features, you can reference the ID of a resource created in another Bicep file, even when a parent main.bicep is also used.

Module Outputs

A module output is a value that’s exposed by a Bicep module, making it available to other modules that depend on it. To create a module output, you simply define a variable in your Bicep file and use the `outputs` keyword.

// storage.bicep
resource storageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2021-04-01' = {
  name: 'myStorageAccount'
  // ...

output storageAccountId string = storageAccount.id

In this example, we’re creating a storage account resource in a file called storage.bicep. We’re then defining a module output called `storageAccountId`, which exposes the ID of the storage account.

Module Dependencies

A module dependency is a reference to another Bicep module that’s required for a particular module to function correctly. To create a module dependency, you use the `dependsOn` keyword.

// main.bicep
module storageModule './storage.bicep'

resource virtualMachine 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2021-04-01' = {
  name: 'myVirtualMachine'
  // ...
  dependsOn: [

In this example, we’re creating a main.bicep file that depends on the storage.bicep file. This means that the storage.bicep file will be executed before the main.bicep file, and any outputs defined in storage.bicep will be available to main.bicep.

Putting it All Together: Referencing the ID of a Resource

Now that we’ve covered module outputs and dependencies, let’s see how we can reference the ID of a resource created in another Bicep file. Here’s an example:

// main.bicep
module storageModule './storage.bicep'

resource virtualMachine 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2021-04-01' = {
  name: 'myVirtualMachine'
  // ...
  storageAccountId: storageModule.outputs.storageAccountId

In this example, we’re referencing the `storageAccountId` output from the storage.bicep file and using it to set the `storageAccountId` property of our virtual machine resource.

Best Practices and Considerations

When working with module outputs and dependencies, there are a few best practices and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Keep modules modular**: Each module should have a single, well-defined purpose and should not depend on other modules unnecessarily.
  2. Use explicit dependencies**: Clearly define dependencies between modules using the `dependsOn` keyword to avoid circular dependencies.
  3. Document module outputs**: Use comments and documentation to clearly explain what each module output represents and how it should be used.
  4. Test and validate**: Thoroughly test and validate your Bicep files to ensure that module outputs and dependencies are working as expected.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

Here are some common scenarios and solutions when working with module outputs and dependencies:

Scenario Solution
Referencing a resource ID from another Bicep file Use a module output to expose the resource ID, and then reference it in the dependent Bicep file.
Passing variables between Bicep files Use module outputs to expose variables, and then reference them in dependent Bicep files.
Avoiding circular dependencies Use explicit dependencies and avoid referencing modules that depend on the current module.


Referencing the ID of a resource created in another Bicep file is a crucial skill for any Bicep enthusiast. By using module outputs and dependencies, you can create complex, modular infrastructure deployments that are easy to maintain and scale. Remember to keep your modules modular, use explicit dependencies, document module outputs, and test and validate your Bicep files. With these skills and best practices, you’ll be unlocking the full power of Bicep in no time!

So, the next time you’re struggling to reference a resource ID from another Bicep file, remember: it’s all about module outputs and dependencies!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your questions about referencing IDs of resources created in other Bicep files when using a parent main.bicep file.

Can I reference the ID of a resource created in another Bicep file from my main.bicep file?

Yes, you can reference the ID of a resource created in another Bicep file from your main.bicep file using the `resource` function. For example, if you have a Bicep file called `storage.bicep` that creates a storage account, you can reference its ID in your `main.bicep` file like this: `resource storageAccount ‘path/to/storage.bicep’ = { id: ‘storageAccountId’ }`.

How do I reference the ID of a resource created in a nested Bicep file?

To reference the ID of a resource created in a nested Bicep file, you can use the `resource` function with the `_nested` keyword. For example, if you have a Bicep file called `network.bicep` that creates a virtual network, and a nested file called `subnets.bicep` that creates subnets, you can reference the ID of a subnet in your `main.bicep` file like this: `resource subnet ‘path/to/network.bicep::subnets.bicep’ = { id: ‘subnetId’ }`.

Can I use a variable to store the ID of a resource created in another Bicep file?

Yes, you can use a variable to store the ID of a resource created in another Bicep file. For example, you can define a variable in your `main.bicep` file like this: `var storageAccountId = resource.storageAccount.id`. You can then use this variable to reference the ID of the storage account in your Bicep code.

What if I need to reference the ID of a resource created in a Bicep file that’s not directly imported by my main.bicep file?

If you need to reference the ID of a resource created in a Bicep file that’s not directly imported by your `main.bicep` file, you can use the `module` function to import the Bicep file and then reference the ID of the resource. For example, if you have a Bicep file called `security.bicep` that creates a resource group, and a Bicep file called `network.bicep` that imports `security.bicep` and creates a virtual network, you can reference the ID of the resource group in your `main.bicep` file like this: `module network ‘path/to/network.bicep’ = { id: ‘networkId’ } var resourceGroupId = network.security.resourceGroupId`.

Are there any best practices for referencing IDs of resources created in other Bicep files?

Yes, here are some best practices for referencing IDs of resources created in other Bicep files: Use meaningful variable names to make your code more readable. Use the `resource` function to reference resources created in other Bicep files. Avoid hardcoding IDs in your Bicep code. Use modules to organize your Bicep code and make it more reusable. Keep your Bicep files organized and follow a consistent naming convention.