CMake Conundrum: When cmake doesn’t find individual Boost components in /usr/include
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CMake Conundrum: When cmake doesn’t find individual Boost components in /usr/include

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Are you stuck in the never-ending loop of cmake errors and Boost library frustration? Fear not, dear developer! This comprehensive guide is here to rescue you from the depths of despair and get your project up and running in no time.

The Problem: cmake doesn’t find individual Boost components in /usr/include

You’ve installed Boost, cmake, and all the necessary dependencies. You’ve written your CMakeLists.txt file to perfection, or so you thought. Yet, when you run cmake, it stubbornly refuses to find those individual Boost components in /usr/include. The error messages are cryptic, and Google searches yield more questions than answers.

Don’t worry; you’re not alone. This issue is more common than you think, and the solution lies in understanding how cmake interacts with Boost and the /usr/include directory.

Understanding cmake and Boost

cmake is a build system generator that uses a set of scripts and rules to generate build files for various platforms. Boost, on the other hand, is a massive collection of reusable and portable C++ libraries. When you install Boost, it gets installed in a directory like /usr/include/boost/. The individual components, such as boost/algorithm/string.hpp, are scattered throughout this directory.

cmake uses a mechanism called “find packages” to locate and include Boost components in your project. The find_package() command searches for a file called FindBoost.cmake in the cmake module path, which is usually /usr/share/cmake/Modules/. This file contains the logic to find and configure Boost components.

The Culprit: /usr/include

The /usr/include directory is where all the magic happens. Or, in this case, where all the magic doesn’t happen. This directory is where cmake looks for header files, including Boost components. However, there’s a catch.

When you install Boost, the individual components are installed in /usr/include/boost/, but cmake doesn’t automatically know to look for them there. You need to tell cmake explicitly where to find these components.

Solution: Configure cmake to find individual Boost components

Here are the step-by-step instructions to configure cmake to find individual Boost components in /usr/include:


  • Find.boost() is your friend: In your CMakeLists.txt file, add the following line to tell cmake to find the Boost package:

    find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS 

    In this example, we’re telling cmake to find the Boost package with the required components: filesystem, system, and regex. You can add or remove components as needed.

  • Specify the include directory: Add the following line to specify the include directory for Boost:


    This tells cmake to include the Boost header files.

  • Link the libraries: Add the following line to link the Boost libraries:


    This tells cmake to link the Boost libraries.

  • Tell cmake where to find Boost: Add the following line to tell cmake where to find the Boost components:


    This line tells cmake to ignore the system paths and look for Boost components in the specified include directory.

  • Verify the setup: Finally, add the following line to verify that cmake has found the Boost components:


    This will print the Boost version to the console, confirming that cmake has found the correct version.

  • Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

    Even with the correct configuration, things can still go wrong. Here are some common pitfalls and troubleshooting tips:

    Error Message Solution
    cmake can’t find Boost Verify that Boost is installed correctly and the include directory is correct.
    cmake finds Boost, but not individual components Check that the COMPONENTS list in find_package() is correct and that the include directory is specified.
    cmake finds individual components, but linking fails Verify that the link_directories() command is correct and that the libraries are installed correctly.


    cmake doesn’t find individual Boost components in /usr/include? No problem! With these comprehensive steps and troubleshooting tips, you’ll be well on your way to resolving this common issue. Remember to be patient, take your time, and double-check your configuration. Happy coding!

    Lastly, don’t be afraid to explore the cmake documentation and Boost documentation for more information on configuring and using these powerful tools. Happy coding, and may the cmake be ever in your favor!

    Frequently Asked Question

    Having trouble with cmake finding individual Boost components in /usr/include? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

    Q: Why can’t cmake find individual Boost components in /usr/include?

    A: By default, cmake searches for the entire Boost installation, not individual components. You need to specify the exact component you’re looking for using the `find_package` command.

    Q: How do I specify individual Boost components in my CMakeLists.txt?

    A: Use the `find_package` command with the `COMPONENTS` option, like this: `find_package(Boost COMPONENTS regex REQUIRED)`. This tells cmake to look for the `regex` component specifically.

    Q: What if I have multiple versions of Boost installed on my system?

    A: cmake will use the first version it finds, which might not be the one you want. To specify a specific version, use the `find_package` command with the `Boost` version, like this: `find_package(Boost 1.75.0 COMPONENTS regex REQUIRED)`.

    Q: Can I use cmake’s `find_package` command to find Boost libraries that are not in /usr/include?

    A: Yes! Use the `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` variable to specify the directory where your Boost libraries are installed. For example, `set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /path/to/boost/installation)`. This tells cmake where to look for the libraries.

    Q: What if I’m still having trouble finding individual Boost components?

    A: Double-check that you’ve installed the correct version of Boost and that the component you’re looking for is actually installed. Also, make sure your `CMakeLists.txt` file is correct and that you’re using the correct `find_package` command.

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